Before Barcelona beat Manchester United in the Champions League yesterday, I tried taking a nap. Instead I heard leaves shaking ferociously in the wind and some kids yelling across the street. I tried not to be annoyed with the children yelling, since it is their childhood stamp of fun times. Instead of getting annoyed for not being able to sleep, I listened with intent, and selected sounds I could enjoy in my useless attempt to sleep. I only heard one.
The first sound I heard happening at the moment, and the next five sounds I retrieved from my mental file of I-like-sounds. My list is first in Catalan, then in English.
M'agrada el soroll de les fulles quan bufa el vent
M’agrada el soroll que fa el cos quan va dintre del aigua de la piscina
M’agrada el soroll de les tisores quan em tallen el cabell
M’agrada el soroll del contacte de les agulles de teixir quan faig punt
M’agrada el soroll al obrir una llauna de refresc
M'agrada el soroll dels focs artificials esclatar en l'aire
I like the sound of leaves when the wind blows
I like the sound the body makes when it enters water in a swimming pool
I like the sound scissors make when my hair is being cut
I like the contact sound of knitting needles when I knit
I like the sound a soda can makes when you open it
I like the sound of artificial fireworks popping in the air