Monday, April 9, 2012

Buttercream Mona

Every year we return to Pastisseria Abril on street Creu Coberta to pick up our pre-order of the traditional Mona Easter cake. This bakery makes the tenderest cakes ever. The store had a long, long line when we entered, but slowly the line diminished as they got ready to close. We special ordered our cake to be made one half with butter cream frosting and the other half with crema cremada--a hardened caramelized topping like in crème brûlée. I am not a big fan of butter cream frosting, but the frosting they make here is light and delicious. Que bò!


  1. yummy. que ricas donitas, bunyols?

  2. Yes, they're similar to doughnuts but smaller, squishier when you bite into them, and anise flavored. I don't eat them because I don't like anise and the 1,000 calories from eating one.


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