
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Barcelona City Hall

Barcelona is full of unexpected surprises. A relative and I were strolling in Barcelona on a late gray Sunday morning, and to our surprise, private areas of the Ajuntament (City Hall) were open to the public. I love being a lookie-loo and letting myself wander through rooms of any place. This is a trait I picked up growing up in California every time my parents would stop at a yard or estate sale. We would stop and look at items displayed on tables or in rooms and admire vintage items at a bargain price. Now imagine my effervescent little legs wandering the medieval meeting rooms of City Hall.

Upon reflection of the beauty and marvel inside this gothic building, and what my hometown city hall looks like, I realize how privileged I am to live in a historically rich city.  

Gaudeix de les fotos de'ajuntament!

Courtyard entrance

Joan Miró sculpture

Sculpture by Josep Llimona

Ceiling of the Staircase of Honor

Sublime sculpture by Pau Garallo

The Staircase of Honor that leads to the Saló de Cent.

Saló de Cent; hall for the Council of One Hundred Jurors designed by master builder Pere Llobet in 1369. There are no more council meetings held here, except weddings and other celebrations. Who wants to get married here?

First meeting was held by King Pere III with the Council of One Hundred in 1373.
Juror gothic seats

Sculpture of King Jaume 1

St. Jordi (George) slaying the dragon.
This room is used for plenary meetings.
Room of Queen Regent Maria Cristina who used to take her tea here with her friends. This picky queen brought the candelabras from Versailles.

Mural by Miquel Viladrich (1930) depicting country people and Catalan customs. The mural had an Adam and Eve allusion to it.

This mural is part of the Black Staircase so named after the black marble used.  I read the mural alludes to the poem "Canigo" by Jacint Verdaguer. Mural is by Miquel Valdrich.

Are they dancing a sardana?

This room was so lavish, transcendental, and enigmatic. It was like a covert room dressed in dark and gold colors reserved for esoteric members.

The Hall of Chronicles refers to the stories narrated by Ramón Muntaner and Bernat Desclot describing Roger de Flor's voyage to the Orient in the 14th century.

The defense of the tower of Adrianopolis. The room is absolutely spectacular. Ceiling and wall paintings are by Catalan artist Josep María Sert.

Virgin of Montserrat in a chapel adjacent to the Hall of Chronicles

If you ever want to visit the Ajuntatment, you may do so free of charge every Sunday. 
The schedule is the following:

Open every Sunday from 10:30 - 12:00

Guided tours:
Catalan 10:00 and 13:00
Spanish 10:30 and 12:30
English 11:00

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